Monday, October 13, 2008

The legend of Saint Mikie and painting the trash can.
I first got a trash can with a step open lid. I drew in a sky diving chill pepper. I painted the trash can sky blue and I tried to paint and finally finger painted the sky blue. It wasn't right so I sprayed it with another sky blue and then I painted red chili pepper with black boots, gloves, and a black cowboy hat falling through the air but it wasn't right. IN my time every morning with Good or my positive energy we finally came to the conclusion that the chili pepper needs three rainbow vapor trails one from the back of his head and one from each boot. The rainbow will be red, orange, yellow, white, then sky blue. The trash can painting is great and when I buy some orange paint I will have painted an original trash can. My original trash can is scarred but it does let me smile.


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