Friday, September 29, 2006

The little things

The little things that you do for yourself are the things that count the most.
Buy yourself some flowers. This is God smiling at you. If you believe in Karma flowers are good Karma. When I go to Wal-Mart to buy flowers and check out the lady in front of me has a ton of stuff and has three different ways of paying for three different piles. So when it my turn to check out I take one of the stem of flowers out of the bunch that I’m Buying and give it to the cashier and say “thank you. ‘

If you believe in what goes around comes around...

Taking showers and let the hot water run on your head for an extended period of time. This gets the brain family happy and excited and flowing better. It will not improve your intelligence to the point that you will become a brain surgeon. I know because when I took brain anatomy and physiology and this course at the graduate level at the University of Texas will give you brain damage if you don’t have it already.

Brain food helps. Vegetables, grapes, broccoli, cauliflower these are foods that stimulate the neuro transmitters, carrots and many other foods.

Coffee is one of my down falls but you know that I’m not perfect.


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