Tuesday, June 05, 2007

The lost Gospel of Mikie
"You spew out vomit and the vomit returns."
example> When you ask someone to please be quit and they respond with "Who do you think you are asking me to be quit? I'm not bothering anybody." or
"Why did you skip my house and not cut all the broken branches?" "We'll get it Monday." and no one comes. Being third place all the time is a drag but when you take the situation in your own hands you lose lose by causing waves.
On the other hand I have just stopped at a stop light. The light turns green, I hesitate putting the car in first gear. I look to the left and a big truck is turning left. I hesitated and a speeding red car is running the red light and if I had gone like I usually do. I would be dead now. So God does look after the helpless.
When I watch most drivers in a hurry weaving through traffic and five miles down the road and I'm driving down the left turn lane and I pass the car that is tyring to get ahead and I tap my horn as I pass by.
My question is "When does one stop being third place.


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