Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Lost gospel of Mikie
Over Christmas holiday I learned about the supreme energy or the "force." Which is always ahead of you. This force or ultimate power is always there to suggest what you should do and your physical side of you says "This is the way we'll do it ."
This happens to everybody and this talking within you is your spirit. My spirit says "keep on knocking." So I tried Harper productions and got an answer of "use E-mail and I responded with "brain injury is the reason I don't respond. I forget and with my home grown computer, well let us say. dead end.
I've thought of a 4 paintings of super models on the run way wearing a bikini of checks and a yellow flowered top and vice Visa.
A wise man said "Grass hopper, the first step on a long journey is buying yourself flowers."


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