I’ve been thinking,
There are two energies within you. One is the physical, the getter done, and the intellectual, the spirit, or the self-side. The physical side is the do it side. How can I make it happen, or the side that thinks.
The physical side is the loving yourself, buying flowers and enjoying the morning sunrise, the butterflies, the many birds eating and drinking and bathing from the birdbath and with a good cup of coffee. When it is cold and raining on the tin roof I must be stepping on Gods toes. I enjoy the many challenges of life. Remember I am a brain-damaged person that has graduated from the University of Texas with a BA in psychology, worked for 17 years at the University of Texas but had to retire because of brain damage. I now am painting and performing, all over the U.S. I just want to be different.
I just found your site which is posted on the VSA website. I'm also an "outsider artist" & have found inspiration reading your posts. I belong to ATTA in Dallas (Achievement Through The Arts- for artists with mental illness- mine is depression & possibly bipolar.) I also love the beauty God put in a flower, drop of dew on a leaf, & in a person's face & soul. I can see the beauty in you. Thank you for being you. :)
10:28 PM
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