Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Casting a seed on 105 degree asphalt and expecting it to grow and God cracks up laughing.   Saint Mikie has an idea to revolutionize the art world and the auto sales industry.
   Mikie goes to Toyota and explains about putting one of my paintings on the back of a pick up tailgate.   “We don’t do that because of reason 1, 2, 3.   Then mikie goes to Nissan and they say the same.
   Mikie’s bubble has burst and he goes to imagine Art and explains his revolutionary idea to Debbie and she just starts laughing.  I am hurt to the bone.
   The next morning 4 to 6 am I have my quite time with God and He is just cracking up with laughter and later He says “that’s what I like about you, you get back up every time you fall.  


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