The legend of saint Mikie
Mikie was a mild mannered manger boy when Jesus Christ was born. He had cleaned the manger he worked in and had gone to Jerusalem to work for the inn keeper. there were two caravans staying at the inn.
The inn keeper was telling Joseph that he had no room at the inn for a pregnant lady and he was refused stay.
Mikie said "Sir I have a clean manger out side of town. Joseph replied "Led on young men and they were going to the manger and stopped by Mikie's house to get his mother who was a midwife and they all went to the manger.
When Mary went into labor Mikie was sent out by his mother. When Mikie was outside he a baby cry and he looked at the star of David and looked God straight in the eye's and said "Thank you,"
So the legend of Saint Mikie.