Monday, January 28, 2008

The Lost Gospel of Mikie
This is about a humble and handicapped mild mannered manger boy. That was in Bethlehem looking for some work at the inn where Joseph and Mary had just been refused a place to stay.
Mikie tugged on Joseph's gar met and said "I have a clean manger just outside the city. On the way out to the manger they picked up Mikie's sister who was a mid wife.
They got to the manger and Mary went into labor. She scrim ed and mikie's sister said "push." Mikie was so excited he ran outside. There was silence and a baby cry.
Mikie looked God straight in the eye and said thank you. The story of Mikie was born.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Lost gospel of Mikie
Over Christmas holiday I learned about the supreme energy or the "force." Which is always ahead of you. This force or ultimate power is always there to suggest what you should do and your physical side of you says "This is the way we'll do it ."
This happens to everybody and this talking within you is your spirit. My spirit says "keep on knocking." So I tried Harper productions and got an answer of "use E-mail and I responded with "brain injury is the reason I don't respond. I forget and with my home grown computer, well let us say. dead end.
I've thought of a 4 paintings of super models on the run way wearing a bikini of checks and a yellow flowered top and vice Visa.
A wise man said "Grass hopper, the first step on a long journey is buying yourself flowers."

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

"The lost Gospel of Mikie"
there are two forces within you one is the ultimate positive and one is physical. The physical is always trying to catch the spirit energy, God, karma, self (which is God within). The spiritual self is always suggesting things to do and the physical self most of the time says huh! But, things get done.
I had a wonderful time in Ga, for Christmas, going hunting with my brother. He killed a baby pig, wild pigs destroy farmers crops. The food was great. The gift were fantastic.
Moving on to Nashville Tenn. with my only blood relative, the bass guitar player for 30 years and he knows a lot of people in Nashville so I left him a few calenders to spread. I felt like this was a unique experience that he and I are similar we are in front of people putting on a show but his are in front of 1,000 's of people and mine are before hundreds.
The positive spirit kept me safe from harm and the car running well and everything went fine.