Monday, May 19, 2008

Having a personal relation with yourself
I get up in the morning and go into the kitchen and see my beautiful flowers and I make some coffee and go over and spray the flowers and they start talking to me with different accents and then sometimes get out of hand. I enjoy my beautiful flowers.
I then go outside to feed the birds and squirrels and they sometimes get out of hand especially during the Spring.
Then I turn and watch the beautiful sun rise, wow!
I check my watch and go inside to listen to my other self that brings to mind other conversations both spiritual and past physical.
It is getting to know myself.

Friday, May 02, 2008

"Daze of our lives
A new show that will blow your socks off. Every show is better than the last and this theater is going to go down in the history of performing arts.
I step on Gods toes because of my beautiful flowers and then when I feed the birds, and squirrels and watch the sun rise. Eventually, I will go back inside and paint and watch my favorite T.V. show, "That stupid show." The stories go wild.
Loneliness with God is the best.