Thursday, March 29, 2007

Waving at God
One Sunday I went to church and the cutest2&1/2 little cow girl with her cow girl boots. shirt, vest, and hat on. I met her mother "Faith" and was telling her about her beautiful daughter and how that when she waves at me from on stage in front of the congregation. I feel like I'm waving back at God. "Out of the mouths of Bab's." Lost Gospel of Mikie

I am a HAPPY HAPPY camper
Can you believe a 56 year old brain damaged man that is still on stage on May 18 & 19. dancing to " bad to the bone", can you believe that I was used in a university of Texas, Text book for Speech pathology dept. Chosen as a superhero. No, but I was chosen as an example of a speech impediment an my good looks. Can you believe I've had two of my paintings chosen to be reprinted in books, one by the city of Austin, Austin Arts, & one by VSA Texas, Beyond Boundaries. My four years of calenders that I have hanging on the wall. Each clean calender changes each month and has a different painting that changes each month. I look at the Chile pepper paintings and try to make next years calender.
I focus on myself. I get up in the morning and their is a beautiful bouquet of flowers and I spray them with water and they buff up just for me. The flowers will only last about two weeks. then I buy some new flowers and give most of them away I go over to the coffee machine and my captains chair and make a good four cups of coffee. I swivel around and look at all my trophies and I say WOW! My paintings, calenders, stage productions, and flowers with the sun rise, WoW! WOW!
Then think if only I had a female companion. If only some one would sit on my pity potty with me and have coffee.
Then comes to mind that girlfriend I once had in Wimberly, Texas and all the money I spent pleasing her. I maxed out my two credit cards and I had very little funny money to play with.

Monday, March 26, 2007

You'll never know how many peoples lives you will touch,
I'm sitting with my good cup of coffee and thinking about the lives that I have touched and all I can say is wow! The people in Washington D.C. The comment about the funny man with the suspenders or the man with the unique cowboy hat. When I do my dancing on stage to bad to the bone and bring down the house. When act on stage for the past 8 years and the thousands of scripts that I've had to memorize. One of my most memorable times was at J.F.K. performing center in Washington D.C. and many of us actors got on a handicapped bus to ride back to the Hyatt. We had gotten on this bus with a lot of straps hanging from the ceiling and I made a statement to everyone on the bus that we would be flying low over the Hyatt so strap your self in good because we'll be parachuting low over the Hyatt. Another man said don't jump until you see the green light go on, and people started to laugh.
The next morning I passed a man while I was leaving the bath room and he said "Done any parachuting lately?
Actual lives 45 minutes of fame was at H Street Theater before 200 international audience.

Flowers Vs. locked door
The time that I brought some flowers to April and Larissa. They were in a staff meeting and the work study student was there so I took out the trash. April and Larissa came back to the office and saw that the trash had been taken out and they looked at each other and said "mild mannered mop boy.
The next time I came by to bring flowers no was in the office so I left the flowers at the base of the door and latter I was told that April, Larissa, Chris and Jeff came to the door at the same time and gathered out the flowers and looked at each other and said "Mild mannered mop boy."

I get out of bed in the morning and my beautiful flowers are just sitting there waiting to be sprayed with water. I sit in my captains chair and make coffee.

I can see the four different calenders, I can see three three paintings that were chosen to be reprinted on posters and sent all over the state, I see the two paintings that were chosen for books one by the City of Austin, Austin Arts and one by VSA called Breaking Boundaries