Superhero and his positive experience.
Painting trash cans. Ruthie wanted a trash can painted of a sky diving chili pepper with some rainbows,red chili pepper with black boots and a black hat. I did a light blue sky and painted the top lid light blue. Then I painted vapor trails of red, orange, and yellow behind the head and coming off each boot. She loved the trash can that she bought with the sky diving chili pepper and I was so proud of it I showed some friends and one said "When you step on the peddle it's like the parachute opens. How much more perfect can this be?
The rose from Mike.
this is a story about flowers and rewarding myself with new flowers. Eventually the rose got placed in its own vase, When I sprayed it with water and sat down to look at the rose with 1ooo diamonds. I said "Thank you lord for this rose with a 1000 diamonds.