Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Superhero and his positive experience.
Painting trash cans. Ruthie wanted a trash can painted of a sky diving chili pepper with some rainbows,red chili pepper with black boots and a black hat. I did a light blue sky and painted the top lid light blue. Then I painted vapor trails of red, orange, and yellow behind the head and coming off each boot. She loved the trash can that she bought with the sky diving chili pepper and I was so proud of it I showed some friends and one said "When you step on the peddle it's like the parachute opens. How much more perfect can this be?

The rose from Mike.
this is a story about flowers and rewarding myself with new flowers. Eventually the rose got placed in its own vase, When I sprayed it with water and sat down to look at the rose with 1ooo diamonds. I said "Thank you lord for this rose with a 1000 diamonds.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Superhero downsized
As the story goes the superhero mopboy is performing on stage and mopping floors in his spare time and being downsized. His new job pays him for vacuuming and emptying the trash and was even down sized from that.
Lost Gospel of Mikie, "Its not how many times one falls but how many times one gets back up."
Now I am a food service coordinator Imagine Art. I retrieve food from the food bank and with my truck with a shark biting the front tire on both sides. I am a different sort of person.
Brain damage does not give me the right to go out of bounds but it does give me the right to be different

Road Rash
I was going to my psychiatrist appointment and I was coming out of walmart and had the straight line but I stopped to let cars turn in front of me. I waited two cars turned I moved forward and three cars with stop sign were in front of me and a fourth was trying ti get in ahead of me.
Not so fast tow can play at this game and I would not let the fourth car in.
I went on the access road to get on hi way 71. I was in the turning lane and straight lane which immediately after was the access to hi-way 71. Other cars would get int the straight lane and as soon as they crossed the stop light they would put on their turn signal to get into the lane which got onto 71. So I had to wait through four stop light changes to get back onto hi-way 71
Talk about road rash??

Saint Mikie and his home grown therapy. Everybody is made up of three energy's. The positive the negative and the physical energy's As I say God vs Darheh Vador and his band of stampeding wild elephants. The first thing to do [physical energy] is to buy yourself flowers as needed all the time. The next is to think of yourself as a superhero and what kind of out fit would you wear to be different, not to go out of bounds. The next thing to do is relax with a good cup of coffee and your new flowers in the morning,
Now we get into writing stories about myself as a superhero and maybe try to see if you can put this on stage. Lets go one step farther and try to capture the superhero on canvass and what he or she would be doing to capture the true assents of the superhero

The legend of Saint Mikie and painting the trash can.
I first got a trash can with a step open lid. I drew in a sky diving chill pepper. I painted the trash can sky blue and I tried to paint and finally finger painted the sky blue. It wasn't right so I sprayed it with another sky blue and then I painted red chili pepper with black boots, gloves, and a black cowboy hat falling through the air but it wasn't right. IN my time every morning with Good or my positive energy we finally came to the conclusion that the chili pepper needs three rainbow vapor trails one from the back of his head and one from each boot. The rainbow will be red, orange, yellow, white, then sky blue. The trash can painting is great and when I buy some orange paint I will have painted an original trash can. My original trash can is scarred but it does let me smile.